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R has great support for Holt-Winter filtering and forecasting. I sometimes use this functionality, HoltWinter & predict.HoltWinter, to forecast demand figures based on historical data. Using the HoltWinter functions in R is pretty straightforward.
Let's say our dataset looks as follows;
demand <- ts(BJsales, start = c(2000, 1), frequency = 12) plot(demand)
Now I pass the timeseries object to HoltWinter and plot the fitted data.
hw <- HoltWinters(demand) plot(hw)
Next, we calculate the forecast for 12 months with a confidence interval of .95 and plot the forecast together with the actual and fitted values.
forecast <- predict(hw, n.ahead = 12, prediction.interval = T, level = 0.95) plot(hw, forecast)
As you can see, this is pretty easy to accomplish. However, as I use ggplot2 to visualize a lot of my analyses, I would like to be able to do this in ggplot2 in order to maintain a certain uniformity in terms of visualization.
Therefore, I wrote a little function which extracts some data from the HoltWinter and predict.HoltWinter objects and feeds this to ggplot2;
#HWplot.R library(ggplot2) library(reshape) HWplot<-function(ts_object, n.ahead=4, CI=.95, error.ribbon='green', line.size=1){ hw_object<-HoltWinters(ts_object) forecast<-predict(hw_object, n.ahead=n.ahead, prediction.interval=T, level=CI) for_values<-data.frame(time=round(time(forecast), 3), value_forecast=as.data.frame(forecast)$fit, dev=as.data.frame(forecast)$upr-as.data.frame(forecast)$fit) fitted_values<-data.frame(time=round(time(hw_object$fitted), 3), value_fitted=as.data.frame(hw_object$fitted)$xhat) actual_values<-data.frame(time=round(time(hw_object$x), 3), Actual=c(hw_object$x)) graphset<-merge(actual_values, fitted_values, by='time', all=TRUE) graphset<-merge(graphset, for_values, all=TRUE, by='time') graphset[is.na(graphset$dev), ]$dev<-0 graphset$Fitted<-c(rep(NA, NROW(graphset)-(NROW(for_values) + NROW(fitted_values))), fitted_values$value_fitted, for_values$value_forecast) graphset.melt<-melt(graphset[, c('time', 'Actual', 'Fitted')], id='time') p<-ggplot(graphset.melt, aes(x=time, y=value)) + geom_ribbon(data=graphset, aes(x=time, y=Fitted, ymin=Fitted-dev, ymax=Fitted + dev), alpha=.2, fill=error.ribbon) + geom_line(aes(colour=variable), size=line.size) + geom_vline(x=max(actual_values$time), lty=2) + xlab('Time') + ylab('Value') + opts(legend.position='bottom') + scale_colour_hue('') return(p) }
The above script is saved in a file called HWplot.R. If I load this file from R – via source() – I can directly call the function HWplot. The HWplot can be called as follows:
HWplot(ts_object, n.ahead=4, CI=.95, error.ribbon='green',line.size=1)
HWplot takes the following arguments;
- ts_object: the timeseries data
- n.ahead: number of periods to forecast
- CI: confidence interval
- error.ribbon: colour of the error ribbon
- line.size: size of the lines
source("HWplot.R") demand <- ts(BJsales, start = c(2000, 1), frequency = 12) HWplot(demand, n.ahead = 12)
It's also very easy to adjust the graph after it is returned by the function;
graph <- HWplot(demand, n.ahead = 12, error.ribbon = "red") # add a title graph <- graph + opts(title = "An example Holt-Winters (gg)plot") # change the x scale a little graph <- graph + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1998, 2015)) # change the y-axis title graph <- graph + ylab("Demand ($)") # change the colour of the lines graph <- graph + scale_colour_brewer("Legend", palette = "Set1") # the result: graph
The HWplot R code: HWplot.R
The post Holt-Winters forecast using ggplot2 appeared first on FishyOperations.
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