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Interactive slideshows with R & Tiki (jquery.s5 powered)

[This article was first published on UEB Blog. Musings on R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Using PluginR you can produce interactive slideshows in Tiki running R code in some slides. This is possible thanks to the integrated jquery.s5 slideshow system, which was introduced already back in Tiki 7.0 and improved until its present form in Tiki 9.0. For more information, see:

By the way, did you know that the first use case for production of that feature in Tiki was at the last UseR!2011 in UK?

The live example of the jquery.s5 presentation which was used at UseR!2011 can be seen here:

( Produced from this wiki page: )


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