Milano R net meeting
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I received the announce of the first Milano R net meeting, and I am glad to post it below. If you are based in Milano area you might think about going. If you are not based in Milano area, you might think about going as well!
Milano R net
Milano R net is a users group dedicated to bringing together area practitioners of the popular open source R statistics language to exchange knowledge, learn and share tricks and techniques, provide R beginners with an opportunity to meet more experienced users. The aims is to spur the adoption of R for innovative research and commercial applications, see case studies of real-life R applications in industry and government. Milano R net founders are: R consulting company Quantide’s Andrea Spanò, R-core member and University of Milan professor Stefano Iacus, and quantitative consultant Daniele Amberti.
First Milano R net meeting
The first meeting will be on May 8. Andrea Spanò will introduce the meeting. Speakers are: Stefano Iacus (R Development Core Team), Fabio Piacenza (Unicredit Group) and Alberto Santini (Monte dei Paschi di Siena).
Since today about 45 people subscribed to meeting. Subscribers background are very different: this is required for an interesting exchange of information.
Information and registrations:
Quantide ( and Revolution Analytics ( sponsor the meeting.
Future meetings
The group is looking for suggestions for future talks and presenters, so if you’re in the Milan area (or know another R user who is), please get in touch via the offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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