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Monday, March 26, 2012 14h-16h, Stewart Biology N4/17
This is a meetup of the Montreal R User Group. Be sure to join the group and RSVP. More information about the workshop here.
Learning Objectives
1) Contrast the underlying philosophies of the Frequentist and Bayesian perspectives.
2) Estimate posterior distributions using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
3) Conduct both inference and prediction using the posterior distribution.
We will build on ideas presented in the workshop on Likelihood Methods. If you did not attend this workshop, it may help to have a look at the slides and script provided on this page.
The goal of this workshop is to demystify the potentially ‘scary‘ topic of Bayesian Statistics, and empower participants (of any preexisting knowledge level) to engage in statistical reasoning when conducting their own research. So come one, come all!
That being said, a basic working understanding of R is assumed. Knowledge of functions and loops in R will be advantageous, but not a must.
This workshop will be conducted entirely in R. We will not be using any external software such as winBUGS.
We will use a package I have written which is available on CRAN:
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