Maps with R (I)
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This is the first post of a short series to show some code I have learnt to produce maps with R.
Some time ago I found this infographic from The New York Times (via this page) and I wondered how a multivariate choropleth map could be produced with R. Here is the code I have arranged to show the results of the last Spanish general elections in a similar fashion.
Some packages are needed:
library(maps) library(maptools) ## EDITED: if you have rgeos installed you won't need ## gpclibPermit() below. library(sp) library(lattice) library(latticeExtra) library(colorspace)
Let’s start with the data, which is available here (thanks to Emilio Torres, who “massaged” the original dataset, available from here).
Each region of the map will represent the percentage of votes obtained by the predominant political option. Besides, only four groups will be considered: the two main parties (“PP” and “PSOE”), the abstention results (“ABS”), and the rest of parties (“OTH”).
load('votos2011.rda') votesData votesData$ABS Max whichMax ## OTH for everything but PP, PSOE and ABS whichMax[!(whichMax %in% c('PP', 'PSOE', 'ABS'))] <- 'OTH' ## Finally, I calculate the percentage of votes with the electoral census pcMax
The Spanish administrative boundaries are available as shapefiles at the INE webpage (~70Mb):
espMap Encoding(levels(espMap$NOMBRE)) <- "latin1" ##There are some repeated polygons which can be dissolved with ## unionSpatialPolygons. ## EDITED: gpclibPermit() is needed for unionSpatialPolygons to work ## but can be ommited if you have rgeos installed ## (recommended, see comment of Roger Bivand below). espPols
(EDITED, following the question of Sandra). Spanish maps are commonly displayed with the Canarian islands next to the peninsula. First we have to extract the polygons of the islands and the polygons of the peninsula.
canarias peninsulaPols islandPols
Then we shift the coordinates of the islands:
dy dx islandPols2 bbIslands
and finally construct a new object binding the shifted islands with the peninsula:
The last step before drawing the map is to link the data with the polygons:
IDs idx ##Places without information idxNA ##Information to be added to the SpatialPolygons object dat2add poblacion = votos2011$, Max = Max, pcMax = pcMax, who = whichMax)[idx, ] row.names(dat2add) espMapVotes ## Drop those places without information espMapVotes
So let’s draw the map. I will produce a list of plots, one for each group. The “+.trellis” method of the latticeExtra package with Reduce
superposes the elements of this list and produce a trellis
object. I will use a set of sequential palettes from the colorspace package with a different hue for each group.
classes nClasses pList mapClass step pal pClass at = c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100)) }) pHowever, the legend of this
object is not valid.
First, a title for the legend of each element pList
will be useful. Unfortunately, the levelplot
function (the engine under the spplot
method) does not allow for a title with its colorkey
argument. The frameGrob
and packGrob
of the grid package will do the work.
addTitle titleGrob legendGrob ly fg pg pg }
for (i in seq_along(classes)){
lg lg$args$key$labels$cex=ifelse(i==nClasses, 0.8, 0) ##only the last legend needs labels
pList[[i]]$legend$right args=list(legend=lg, title=classes[i]))
Now, every component of pList
includes a legend with a title below. The last step is to modify the legend of the p
trellis object in order to merge the legends from every component of pList
## list of legends legendList lg clKey clKey }) ##function to pack the list of legends in a unique legend ##adapted from latticeExtra::: mergedTrellisLegendGrob packLegend N ly g for (i in 1:N) g g } ## The legend of p will include all the legends p$legend$rightHere is the result with the provinces boundaries superposed (only for the peninsula due to a problem with the definition of boundaries the Canarian islands in the file) and a rectangle to separate the Canarian islands from the rest of the map (click on the image to get a SVG file): 1 provinces canarias peninsulaLines p + layer(sp.polygons(peninsulaLines, lwd = 0.5)) + layer(grid.rect(x=bbIslands[1,1], y=bbIslands[2,1], width=diff(bbIslands[1,]), height=diff(bbIslands[2,]), default.units='native', just=c('left', 'bottom'), gp=gpar(lwd=0.5, fill='transparent')))
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