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Goals for 2012

[This article was first published on John Ramey, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I have never been one to set New Year’s resolutions. Personally, they instill a dangerous personal freedom that often yield naive, subconscious mentalities, such as I can do anything I want until December 31, and I will change abruptly the next day. However, my Ph.D. adviser has shown me the importance of setting goals in all things that I wish to accomplish as well as envisioning the finale to an arduous journey like a small child (read “John Ramey”) that pictures the waning warmth of fresh chocolate chip cookies smeared on his face. My adviser has always encouraged short-term and long-term goals but never required them. As I recently found out, my employer does. In addition, these goals are reviewed at the end of the fiscal year so that employees are realistic and held accountable.

Now that I must list these formally at work, I have decided to post a number of career and personal goals here in order to hold myself accountable at the end of 2012 with the implicit assumption that the world does not end. So, one year from now, if we are still here (chuckle), I will review my goal-completion success.

As I have assuredly not remembered the goals that I have verbally set, this list may change over the next few days.

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