Benchmarking time series models

[This article was first published on Modern Toolmaking, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This is a quick post on the importance of benchmarking time-series forecasts.  First we need to reload the functions from my last few posts on times-series cross-validation.  (I copied the relevant code at the bottom of this post so you don’t have to find it).

Next, we need to load data for the S&P 500.  To simplify things, and allow us to explore seasonality effects, I’m going to load monthly data, back to 1980.
#Load data
getSymbols('^GSPC', from='1980-01-01')
#Simplify to monthly level
GSPC <- to.monthly(GSPC)
Data <- as.ts(Cl(GSPC), start=1980)
view raw 2. Load Data.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The object “Data” has monthly closing prices for the S&P 500 back until 1980.  Next, we cross validate 3 time series forecasting models:  auto.arima, from the forecast package,  a mean forecast, that returns the mean value over the last year, and a naive forecast, which assumes the next value of the series will be equal to the present value.  These last 2 forecasts serve as benchmarks, to help determine if auto.arima would be useful for forecasting the S&P 500.  Also note that I’m using BIC as a criteria for selecting arima models, and I have trace on so you can see the results of the model selection process.
#Setup model cross-validation
myControl <- list( minObs=12,
#Cross validate 3 models (model 3 is SLOW!)
model1 <- cv.ts(Data, meanForecast, myControl)
model2 <- cv.ts(Data, naiveForecast, myControl)
model3 <- cv.ts(Data, auto.arimaForecast, myControl, ic='bic', trace=TRUE)
#Find the RMSE for each model and create a matrix with our results
models <- list(model1,model2,model3)
models <- lapply(models, function(x) x[1:12,'RMSE'])
results <-,models)
colnames(results) <- c('mean','naive','ar')
#Order by average RMSE for the 1st 3 months
results <- t(results)
order <- rowMeans(results[,1:3])
results <- results[order(order),]

After the 3 models finish cross-validating, it is useful to plot their forecast errors at different horizons.  As you can see, auto.arima performs much better than the mean model, but is constantly worse than the naive model.  This illustrates the importance of benchmarking forecasts.  If you can’t constantly beat a naive forecast, there’s no reason to waste processing power on a useless model.
color <- 1:nrow(results)
plot(results[1,], col=1, type='l', ylim=c(min(results),max(results)))
for (i in color) {
view raw 4. Plot results hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Finally, here is all the code in one place.  Note that you can parallelize the cv.ts function by loading your favorite foreach backend.
#Function to cross-validate a time series.
cv.ts <- function(x, FUN, tsControl, xreg=NULL, ...) {
#Load required packages
stopifnot( | is.matrix(xreg) | is.null(xreg))
#Load parameters from the tsControl list
stepSize <- tsControl$stepSize
maxHorizon <- tsControl$maxHorizon
minObs <- tsControl$minObs
fixedWindow <- tsControl$fixedWindow
summaryFunc <- tsControl$summaryFunc
preProcess <- tsControl$preProcess
#Make sure xreg object is long enough for last set of forecasts
if (! is.null(xreg)) {
xreg <- as.matrix(xreg)
if (nrow(xreg)<length(x)+maxHorizon) {
warning('xreg object too short to forecast beyond the length of the time series.
Appending NA values to xreg')
nRows <- (length(x)+maxHorizon)-nrow(xreg)
nCols <- dim(xreg)[2]
addRows <- matrix(rep(NA,nCols*nRows),nrow=nRows, ncol=nCols)
colnames(addRows) <- colnames(xreg)
xreg <- rbind(xreg,addRows)
#Define additional parameters
freq <- frequency(x)
n <- length(x)
st <- tsp(x)[1]+(minObs-2)/freq
#Create a matrix of actual values.
#X is the point in time, Y is the forecast horizon
formatActuals <- function(x,maxHorizon) {
actuals <- outer(seq_along(x), seq_len(maxHorizon), FUN="+")
actuals <- apply(actuals,2,function(a) x[a])
actuals <- formatActuals(x,maxHorizon)
actuals <- actuals[minObs:(length(x)-1),,drop=FALSE]
#Create a list of training windows
#Each entry of this list will be the same length, if fixed=TRUE
#At each point in time, calculate 'maxHorizon' forecasts ahead
steps <- seq(1,(n-minObs),by=stepSize)
forcasts <- foreach(i=steps, .combine=rbind, .multicombine=FALSE) %dopar% {
if (is.null(xreg)) {
if (fixedWindow) {
xshort <- window(x, start=st+(i-minObs+1)/freq, end=st+i/freq)
} else {
xshort <- window(x, end=st + i/freq)
if (preProcess) {
if (testObject(lambda)) {
stop("Don't specify a lambda parameter when preProcess==TRUE")
stepLambda <- BoxCox.lambda(xshort, method='loglik')
xshort <- BoxCox(xshort, stepLambda)
out <- FUN(xshort, h=maxHorizon, ...)
if (preProcess) {
out <- InvBoxCox(out, stepLambda)
} else if (! is.null(xreg)) {
if (fixedWindow) {
xshort <- window(x, start=st+(i-minObs+1)/freq, end=st+i/freq)
xregshort <- xreg[((i):(i+minObs-1)),,drop=FALSE]
} else {
xshort <- window(x, end=st + i/freq)
xregshort <- xreg[(1:(i+minObs-1)),,drop=FALSE]
newxreg <- xreg[(i+minObs):(i+minObs-1+maxHorizon),,drop=FALSE]
if (preProcess) {
if (testObject(lambda)) {
stop("Don't specify a lambda parameter when preProcess==TRUE")
stepLambda <- BoxCox.lambda(xshort, method='loglik')
xshort <- BoxCox(xshort, stepLambda)
out <- FUN(xshort, h=maxHorizon,
xreg=xregshort, newxreg=newxreg, ...)
if (preProcess) {
out <- InvBoxCox(out, stepLambda)
#Extract the actuals we actually want to use
actuals <- actuals[steps,,drop=FALSE]
#Accuracy at each horizon
out <- data.frame(
function(horizon) {
P <- forcasts[,horizon,drop=FALSE]
A <- na.omit(actuals[,horizon,drop=FALSE])
P <- P[1:length(A)]
P <- na.omit(P)
A <- A[1:length(P)]
#Add average accuracy, across all horizons
overall <- colMeans(out)
out <- rbind(out,overall)
#Add a column for which horizon and output
#Summary function for time series cross-validation
testObject <- function(object){
tsSummary <- cmpfun(function(P,A) {
#Forecasting wrappers
meanForecast <- cmpfun(function(x,h,...) {
meanf(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean
naiveForecast <- cmpfun(function(x,h,...) {
naive(x, h, ..., level=99)$mean
auto.arimaForecast <- cmpfun(function(x,h,xreg=NULL,newxreg=NULL,...) {
fit <- auto.arima(x, xreg=xreg, ...)
forecast(fit, h=h, level=99, xreg=newxreg)$mean
#Load data
getSymbols('^GSPC', from='1980-01-01')
#Simplify to monthly level
GSPC <- to.monthly(GSPC)
Data <- as.ts(Cl(GSPC), start=1980)
#Setup model cross-validation
myControl <- list( minObs=12,
#Cross validate 3 models (model 3 is SLOW!)
model1 <- cv.ts(Data, meanForecast, myControl)
model2 <- cv.ts(Data, naiveForecast, myControl)
model3 <- cv.ts(Data, auto.arimaForecast, myControl, ic='bic')
#Find the RMSE for each model and create a matrix with our results
models <- list(model1,model2,model3)
models <- lapply(models, function(x) x[1:12,'RMSE'])
results <-,models)
colnames(results) <- c('mean','naive','ar')
#Order by average RMSE for the 1st 3 months
results <- t(results)
order <- rowMeans(results[,1:3])
results <- results[order(order),]
color <- 1:nrow(results)
plot(results[1,], col=1, type='l', ylim=c(min(results),max(results)))
for (i in color) {

color <- 1:nrow(results)
plot(results[1,], col=1, type='l', ylim=c(min(results),max(results)))
for (i in color) {
view raw 4. Plot results hosted with ❤ by GitHub

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