Lambert’s W function and the generalised logarithm
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Yesterday I ran into an equation that was a sum of an exponential and a linear term:
It doesn’t take long to figure out that there is no analytical solution, and so I set out to write some crappy numerical code. After wasting some time with a fixed point iteration that did not really work, it occured to me that I most probably wasn’t the first person out there trying to solve such a simple equation. Indeed not.
The equation above has a solution in terms of a special function called Lambert’s W, and an nicer-looking one in terms of its cousin the generalised log (introduced by D. Kalman here).
Just like is the inverse of
is the inverse of
, and Lambert’s
is the inverse of
. Neither glog nor W can be computed analytically, but fast implementations for
are available (for R, it’s in the GSL package), and:
In terms of the generalised log function the solution to the equation is:
The (easy) proof is on page 5 of Kalman’s article. Here’s some R code:
require(gsl) solve.lexpeq <- function(alpha,beta,delta) { v <- beta/alpha -lambert_W0(-(delta/alpha)*exp(-v)) -v }
So where does this turn up in statistics? Well, one example is finding the Maximum A Posterior estimate of a Poisson mean, if you put a Gaussian prior on the log of the mean. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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