Tutorial on using the rworldmap package
[This article was first published on nzprimarysectortrade » R related, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This blog following up my previous oneattempts to explain how the geo-pie map was created.
I do not know how to attach a .rflow file in this blog. What you can do is to copy the following code into Notepad and save it as XXX.rflow, and open it by RAnalyticFlow. By using it, you can see the task is divided into 7 steps, and run up to any node you want.
Before you run the code below, you have make sure that required packages are installed. If you would like to run the 7th part of the code, you need to download an image of R-bloggers. I hope to make a generalized function out the code ONE DAY, but without any promises though. After running the code, you will have
Here is the plain R code.
################# 1. Clear working space ############### rm(list=ls()) ################ 2. load packages #################### ## make sure you have them installed require(doBy) require(plyr) require(rworldmap) require(TeachingDemos) require(ReadImages) ################ 3. make trade data ################# ### make sure your country names is by UN convention ### Otherwise you need to modify your countries names trade.data <- data.frame(Country=c("China", "United States", "United Kingdom", "Brazil", "Indonesia", "Germany", "Russia", "Australia", "Malaysia", "South Africa") ) ### fabricate some data for each country ### I just generate numbers ramdomly and make sure ### they are positive trade.data$product1 <- abs(rnorm(10,10,30)) trade.data$product2 <- abs(rnorm(10,50,30)) trade.data$product3 <- abs(rnorm(10,100,30)) trade.data$product4 <- abs(rnorm(10,150,30)) trade.data$product5 <- abs(rnorm(10,200,30)) ################## 4. make our Geo-pie plots ################# ### you can find more info make by using ### "?mapPies" commands without the quotes ##### 4.1 merging with existing data sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(trade.data, joinCode = "NAME", nameJoinColumn = "Country") ## This the data that we will plot dF <- sPDF@data ### make our pie plot par(mai= c(0,0,0.6,0), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i") mapPies(dF =dF, nameX="LON", nameY="LAT", nameZs =c("product1", "product2", "product3", "product4", "product5") , zColours=c("red", "green", "magenta", "yellow", "blue"), oceanCol = "lightblue", landCol = "wheat", addSizeLegend=F, addCatLegend=F, mapRegion="world", xlim=c(-181,181), ylim=c(-81,80)) title(main=paste("Our lovely Geo-Pie plot using rworldmap package"), cex=3) legend(-180.1516,90, legend=c("Product 1", "Product 2", "Product 3", "Product 4", "Product 5"), col=c("red", "yellow", "green", "magenta", "blue"), pch=16, cex=0.8, pt.cex=1.5, bty="o", box.lty=0, horiz = F, bg="#FFFFFF70") ################ 5. Lets make a barplot on our map ############## ## derive the data for barplot -- top 10 markets for ## product1 tmp_product1 <- orderBy(~-product1,dF)[1:10,] ### make the barplot as a function subp1.1 <- function(...){ barplot(rev(tmp_product1$product1), width=1, names.arg=rev(tmp_product1$Country), las=2, border="transparent", horiz=T, col="darkgrey", main=paste("Top 10 markets for product 1"), cex.main=0.7 ) mtext(1, text="NZ$ million", line=1.7, cex=0.7 ) grid(col="black") } ################# 6. plot the barplot and make a bit more lovely ## #### make our background for the barplot #### you have to fiddle a bit on the position subplot(rect(-180,-90,-100,-32, col="#FFFFFF70", border=NA), x=0, y=0, vadj=1, hadj=1) #### let's plot w_x <- 0.66 w_y <- 1 pos <- c(-160,-81) par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), cex.axis=0.7, cex.lab=0.7, bg="white", cex.main=0.7) subplot(subp1.1(), x=pos[1], y=pos[2], size=c(w_x,w_y) ) ############ 7. (Optional) put a logo on your map ############### rblog <- read.jpeg("Rbloggers_logo.JPG") #Get the plot information so the image will fill the plot box, and draw it pos_rblog <- c(150.7,58.4,181,73.8) rasterImage(rblog, pos_rblog[1], pos_rblog[2], pos_rblog[3], pos_rblog[4]) rect(pos_rblog[1], pos_rblog[2], pos_rblog[3], pos_rblog[4],border="black", )
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