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googleVis 0.2.9

[This article was first published on mages' blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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We have published googleVis 0.2.9 on CRAN.
The new version updates the package for the new features of the Google Visualisation API and brings an new in-page editor option.
Here is a simple example, displaying the participants of the R user Conference 2011 in Warwick by Country. Notice the ‘Edit me’ button in the top left corner of the chart, which allows you to change and customise the graph.


url <- ""

participants <- readHTMLTable(readLines(url), which=1, stringsAsFactors=F)

names(participants) <- c("Name", "Country", "Organisation")

## Correct typo and shortcut

participants$Country <- gsub("Kngdom","Kingdom",participants$Country)

participants$Country <- gsub("USA","United States",participants$Country)

participants$Country <- factor(participants$Country)

partCountry <- ~ Country, data=participants))


## Please note the option gvis.editor requires googleVis version >= 0.2.9

G <- gvisGeoChart(partCountry,"Country", "Freq", options=list(gvis.editor="Edit me") )


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