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R and the Geostatistical Software Library data format

[This article was first published on Bart Rogiers - Sreigor, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The *.gslib file format originates from the Geostatistical Software Library, but is also used in the follow-up of that software, i.e. the Stanford Geostatistical Modelling Software (SGeMS). Since not all geostatistical algorithms are implemented in R yet (especially the multiple-point ones), it is useful to have these functions for interacting with SGeMS. I also used it for 3D visualisation of geological datasets that I produced with R.
I extended some code that can be found here for writing *.gslib files from an R dataframe, with an added variable to enable a numeric no data flag. A reading function is also included to be able to reload the files back into R. Not so hard to program, but it might be useful to somebody..
write.gslib <- function(dat, file, nodatavalue=-99999)
    cat('GSLIB file created in R\n', file=file)
    cat(length(names(dat)), file=file, append=TRUE)
    cat('\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
    write(cbind(names(dat)), file=file, append=TRUE)
    for(i in 1:ncol(dat)) dat[[,i]),i] <- nodatavalue
    for(i in 1:ncol(dat)) dat[dat[,i]=='NA',i] <- nodatavalue
    for(i in 1:ncol(dat)) dat[is.infinite(dat[,i]),i] <- nodatavalue
    write.table(dat,file=file, append=TRUE, sep='\t', col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
read.gslib <- function(filename) 
    char <- scan(filename, what=character())
    nums <- which(as.numeric(char)!='NaN')    
    nrcol <- as.numeric(char[nums[1]])
    begin <- nums[2]
    eind <- nums[length(nums)]
    nrrows <- (eind-begin+1)/nrcol
    indices <- seq(1,nrrows*nrcol-1,nrcol)
    mat <- matrix(ncol=nrcol, nrow=nrrows)
    i <- 1
    while(i <= nrcol)
        mat[,i] <- as.numeric(char[(indices+i+begin-2)])
        i <- i+1
    mat <-
    names(mat) <- c(char[(nums[1]+c(1:nrcol))])
Created by Pretty R at

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