John Fox will be teaching a two-day introductory R workshop at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, on May 24 and 25. The workshop will largely be based on materials from Fox and Weisberg,
An R Companion to Applied Regression,
Second Edition (Sage, 2011). Further information about the workshop is available at:
A few spaces in the workshop are reserved for non-McMaster attendees and made available at a modest cost.
Summer Program In Data Analysis (SPIDA): May 24th – June 1st, 2012 In its thirteenth season this year, ISR's Summer Program in Data Analysis focuses on linear models, beginning with “standard” regression through generalized linear models, and extending to mixed or multilevel models, linear and non-linear and generalized, which incorporate…
February 7, 2012
In "R guest posts"
Stewart Biology Building, McGill University (Rm N4/17) Monday, April 24, 2012 14h-16h Dr. Arthur Charpentier (UQàM) In this workshop we will examine difference concepts related to quantiles, and practical issues based on R codes. This workshop will present quantile regression, and the idea of iterative least square estimation. It will…
April 17, 2012
In "R bloggers"
Just two hours ago, Professor John Fox has announced on the R-help mailing list of a new (second) edition to his book “An R and S Plus Companion to Applied Regression”, now title . “An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition”. John Fox is (very) well known in the…
December 10, 2010
In "R bloggers"