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Thus, instead of focusing only on the first principal components, it is possible to go up to order 2.
But it is also possible to add, instead of a time component, a cohort-based component, i.e.
D=as.vector(BASEB) E=as.vector(BASEC) A=rep(AGE,each=length(ANNEE)) Y=rep(ANNEE,length(AGE)) C=Y-A base=data.frame(D,E,A,Y,C,a=as.factor(A), y=as.factor(Y),c=as.factor(C)) LC4=gnm(D~a+Mult(a,y)+Mult(a,c),offset=log(E), family=poisson,data=base)Here, parameters have the following shape.
plot(AGE[-1],LC2$coefficients[2:90]) plot(AGE,LC2$coefficients[91:180]) plot(ANNEE,LC2$coefficients[181:279]) plot(AGE,LC2$coefficients[280:369]) plot(1808:1997,LC2$coefficients[370:559])The first component
Finally, we discussed actuarial applications. But first, recall that in actuarial literature (without any dynamics), it is standard to defined
Complete expectation of life is then
or its discrete version
Hence, it is possible to write
which can be extended in the dynamic framework as follows
A natural estimator of that quantity is
i.e., with Lee-Carter model
All those quantities can be computed quite simply.
But first, I have to work a little bit on the dataset, at least to be able to predict mortality up to 100 years old (with the demography package, we have to stop at 90). One idea can be to mix two estimation techniques: the nonlinear Poisson regression to get
BASEB=BASEB[,1:99] BASEC=BASEC[,1:99] AGE=AGE[1:99] library(gnm) D=as.vector(BASEB) E=as.vector(BASEC) A=rep(AGE,each=length(ANNEE)) Y=rep(ANNEE,length(AGE)) base=data.frame(D,E,A,Y,a=as.factor(A), y=as.factor(Y)) LC2=gnm(D~a+Mult(a,y)+offset=log(E), family=poisson,data=base)while it is
BASEB=BASEB[,1:90] BASEC=BASEC[,1:90] AGE=AGE[1:90] library(demography) MU=as.matrix(BASEB/BASEC) base=demogdata(data=t(MU),pop=t(BASEC), ages=AGE,years=ANNEE,type="mortality", label="France",name="Total",lambda=0) LC3=lca(base,interpolate=TRUE) LC3F=forecast(LC3,150)
for the second one. Then, we can compare predictions for
plot(AGE,LC3$ax,lwd=2,col="red",xlab="",ylab="") lines(1:98,LC2$coefficients[1]+LC2$coefficients[2:99], lwd=2,col="blue")
plot(ANNEE,-LC2$coefficients[199:297]*50) lines(ANNEE,LC3$kt,col="red")
A=LC2$coefficients[1]+LC2$coefficients[2:99] B=LC2$coefficients[100:190] K1=LC3$kt K2=LC3$kt[99]+LC3F$kt.f$mean K=-c(K1,K2)/50 MU=matrix(NA,length(A),length(K)) for(i in 1:length(A)){ for(j in 1:length(K)){ MU[i,j]=exp(A[i]+B[i]*K[j]) }}Once we have that matrix, we simply have to work on diagonal (i.e. cohorts) to calculate anything. For instance, to get the dynamic version of
t=2000 x=40 s=seq(0,99-x-1) MUd=MU[x+1+s,t+s-1898] Pxt=cumprod(exp(-diag(MUd)))It is also possible to compute residual life expectancy
x=40 E=rep(NA,150) for(t in 1900:2040){ s=seq(0,90-x-1) MUd=MU[x+1+s,t+s-1898] Pxt=cumprod(exp(-diag(MUd))) ext=sum(Pxt) E[t-1899]=ext} plot(1900:2049,E)
It is also possible to compute annuities. For instance, consider a 40 years old insured, in 2000, willing to get 1 every year after age 70, until he dies, i.e.
x=40 t=2000 r=.035 m=70 h=seq(0,21) V=1/(1+r)^(m-x+h)*Pxt[m-x+h] sum(V) VV=rep(NA,150) for(t in 1900:2040){ s=seq(0,90-x-1) MUd=MU[x+1+s,t+s-1898] Pxt=cumprod(exp(-diag(MUd))) h=seq(0,30) V=1/(1+r)^(m-x+h)*Pxt[m-x+h] VV[t-1899]=sum(V,na.rm=TRUE)} plot(1900:2049,VV)
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