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It is well-known that R has several graphics devices — either the screen devices (X11()
, windows()
, …) or the off-screen devices (pdf()
, png()
, …). We can query the default graphics device in options()
In a non-interactive session, the default device is pdf()
. This is why Sweave has to create a file named Rplots.pdf
no matter if you want it or not when you run Sweave on an Rnw file which has code chunks creating plots. Such a behaviour is annoying to me — the PDF file is not only unnecessary, but also time-consuming (creating this PDF file is completely a waste of time). Is there a way to set a “null” device? (like the /dev/null
for *nix users) The answer is yes, but not so obvious. I have not found the device below documented anywhere:
options(device = function(...) { .Call("R_GD_nullDevice", PACKAGE = "grDevices") })
This device can speed up Sweave a lot when there are many plots to draw. Here is a comparison:
x = rnorm(1000) system.time({ .Call("R_GD_nullDevice", PACKAGE = "grDevices") replicate(500, plot(x, pch = 1:21)) dev.off() }) # user system elapsed # 1.51 0.02 1.53 system.time({ pdf(file.path(tempdir(), "Rplots.pdf")) replicate(500, plot(x, pch = 1:21)) dev.off() }) # user system elapsed # 47.81 0.20 48.10
One thing I don’t understand in Sweave is that it evaluates the code chunk twice if its Sweave options contain fig=TRUE
. I think this might be a waste of time as well, and this is why I like pgfSweave
, which has both the mechanism of caching R objects (using cacheSweave
) and a smart way to cache graphics (using pgf).
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