R.I.P. StatProb?
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As posted in early August from JSM 2010 in Vancouver, StatProb was launched as a way to promote an on-line encyclopedia/wiki with the scientific backup of expert reviewers. This was completely novel and I was quite excited to take part in the venture as a representative of the Royal Statistical Society. Most unfortunately, the separation of the originator of the project, John Kimmel, and of the editor Springer-Verlag (which is backing up the project) a few weeks later put an almost sure stop to the experiment by exposing the lack of incentive in investing a not-inconsiderable amount of our time in editing the entries and the need for part-time operators that would handle LaTeX and other editorial issues… The core of the matter is, I think, that the “reward” in getting involved in the wiki is sadly too limited from an academic perspective to balance the investment (the more because most members of the editorial board were senior researchers). This was clear for instance in the search of a person in charge of the LaTeX aspects of the submissions: I could not find a strong enough reason to convince a younger colleague to dedicate part of his (limitless!) energy to this task, apart from service to the community… So, in the end, and in agreement with the Royal Statistical Society, I have sadly resigned from the board of StatProb along with George Casella and Nando de Freitas.
Filed under: Books, R, Statistics, University life Tagged: JSM 2010, RSS, Springer-Verlag, statprob, Vancouver

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