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UPDATE: holy open source to the rescue. I posted a question yesterday on a idea peter had. Transaprency for overlaying light maps onto google maps. reminds me of the old Quake days. Well, I know John Carmack, John is an old friend of mine, but I’m no John Carmack. Neither am I Dr Paul Murrell. He whipped out some code, took my sample files and produced this beauty. Expect a post once I figure out how the hell he did that! light map, (blacker is brighter) dang i feel stupid.
And you see that little patch of light at around 40.908, -4.1138
here’s what is there
Pretty good huh. Except, the station is in NAVACERRADA. which is just a little south of the “station location” Not far, just a couple decimal points away. In a peri urban/urban location that happens to be close to that 40 nightlights area, urban. Errors in station location matter. At least to the categorization…
A while back Ron Broberg and Peter O’Neill started down the path of understanding and replicating NASA’s use of nightlights. Ron’s latest effort is here. Peter’s work can be found here. My work has relied heavily on their insights and some of their trials and tribulations. I’ve had my own share of great insights smashed upon looking at the code and data one last time and finally I’ve been able to replicate what GISS have done. This post will be long with a lot of code and charts. It assumes a familiarity with the Nightlights file and how NASA uses it.
In Ron’s last post he was trying to use “raster” to read in the “nightlights” file and he remarked that he could not match GISS results. Peter has also noted some irregularities. Ron notes that his results seemed shifted a cell in one direction or another. To me that seemed like a boundary problem so I spent time chasing down the boundary conditions ( when a station lands on a boundary) That was wrong. After a visitor noted some ‘registration’ problems and after Robert had a look at the file the source of the problem was clear: when the nightlights file was turned into a GeoTiff the metadata was not written correctly. the extents and pixel size were off by fractions. This does not impact GISS. Looking at the file they posted it was clear they were not using a *tif file, but rather a *.dat file prepared for them by Imhoff. I’ve written Imhoff to alert him to the issue with the *tif. In the meantime , with robert’s help I’ve hacked my way around the bad metadata and the results are a very close match with GISS. To the code:
source("Global.R") dir<-myDirCreate("GissNightLights") hiResLights<-raster(hiResNightlights) extent(hiResLights) = c(-180,180,-90,90) Inv <- loadOBJ(getwd(),GISSNIGHT.RDATA)
First we load the “world_ave.tif” into a raster. This is a 30 arcsecond file with nightlights every 1km. Recall these are derived from 2.7km pixels so the 1km resolution is really false. Next, we force an extent command onto the raster. Raster reads it extent from the file’s metadata. In this case the files metadata indicated the wrong extent. It left off a tiny sliver of the world. The resolution was consequently figured as .00833 degrees. That little imprecision was enough to cause big differences between GISS results and raster results. With that fixed, we proceed to load the Giss inventory. In previous programs I have modified this to hold information about the entire cell surrounding the station. The reason for that is the station location uncertainty. Next we will create some variables to categorize nightlights according to Imhoffs schema. We use ‘cut’ to recode the DN numbers into his categories, and we use “cut” to turn DN into GISS categories of “urban” “periurban” and “rural.” The we create a bar plot to compare NASA’s lights value from their inventory to our independent raster version. Finally we append the new variables to out inventory data frame.
urbanType <- cut(Inv$DSMP,c(-1,10,20,35,49,81,91,254,255), labels=c("Rural","peri1","peri2","Urban1","Urban2","Urban3","Urban4","Saturated")) NasaLights <-cut(Inv$Nightlights,c(-1,10,35,255),right=T, labels=c("Rural","Periurban","Urban")) MoshLights <-cut(Inv$DSMP,c(-1,10,35,255),right=T,labels=c("Rural","Periurban","Urban")) Inv<-cbind(Inv,MoshLights,NasaLights,UrbanCode=urbanType) h<-rbind(table(NasaLights),table(MoshLights)) fname <-fullPath(dir,"Stationtypes.png") png(fname) barplot(h,beside=T,legend.text=c("Giss","Raster"),col="blue") dev.off()
spread <- Inv$Nightlights-Inv$DSMP fname <-fullPath(dir,"Spread.png") png(fname) hist(spread,breaks=50,main="Difference Nightlights-DMSP",col="blue",sub=max(spread,na.rm=TRUE)) dev.off()
The differences are minor and range from -67 to 31. This indicates that when each program does its lookup there are still some areas where we look up adjacent cells, but that difference does not result in changes to categorization. A brief check of the extrema in this case. First we look at the biggest positive difference and then the biggest negative difference. On second though I should probably turn this into an absolute difference.
spread <- Inv$Nightlights-Inv$DSMP dex <- which(spread==max(spread,na.rm=T)) e <-extent(c(Inv$LonMin[dex],Inv$LonMax[dex],Inv$LatMin[dex],Inv$LatMax[dex])) r <-crop(hiResLights,e) lightsPlot(r,Inv[dex,],dir) M1 <- lightsGooglemap(extent(r),Inv[dex,],dir) print(Inv$Id[dex])
Looking directly in the center you can see the ‘S’. And now for the biggest negative difference
dex <- which(spread==min(spread,na.rm=T)) e <-extent(c(Inv$LonMin[dex],Inv$LonMax[dex],Inv$LatMin[dex],Inv$LatMax[dex])) r <-crop(hiResLights,e) lightsPlot(r,Inv[dex,],dir) M2 <- lightsGooglemap(extent(r),Inv[dex,],dir) print(Inv$Id[dex])
Id: 22223074000 ; Name: DUDINKA ; Lat 69.4 ;Lon 86.17 ; Altitude 19 ; GridEl 50
Rural S ; Population 20 (20,000)
Topography FL ;Vegetation NA ; Coastal: no ; DistanceToCoast NA ; Airport FALSE ; DistanceToTown NA
Light_Code C ( this is the deprecated GHCN light code)
US_LightCode NA ( this is the Giss 1,2,3 code: deprecated )
Nightlights 65 ( this is the value NASA sees when they look up the station location)
CountryIndex 86 CountryName RUSSIAN FEDERATION (ASIAN SECTOR) Cell 106779141 ( the cell id in raster)
DSMP 153 ( the value raster sees )
LonMin 84.75; LonMax 87.58333 ;LatMin 68.9; LatMax 69.9 ( the extent of the contour plot)
MinLights 0 ;MaxLights 166 ;MeanLights 0.7348775; AreaLights 12353.27 (sqkm); SumLights 29983
the minimum, max, and mean lights within the extent. also the area of the extent and sum of all lights
PeriUrban 3km Urban 3km: how close is the nearest periurban and urban light
MoshLights:Urban NasaLights: Urban UrbanCode: Urban4
The codes for urbanity, including the more detailed Imhoff code
PopDensity 3031. the population density implied by the nightlights 3031 people sq/km
And then the google earth:
Which indicates that the population figure in the GISS inventory is not accurate. Next we look at the frequency of different types of lights we get at the stations:
fname <-fullPath(dir,"DSMPHist.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) hist(Inv$DSMP,breaks=25,main="Frequency of Nightlights at Station location", xlab="Radiance number",col="blue",xlim=c(0,max(Inv$DSMP,na.rm=T)),ylim=c(0,5000)) dev.off()
AllRural <- ifelse(Inv$MaxLights<11,T,F) fname <-fullPath(dir,"RuralCells.jpg") png(fname) barplot(height=c(sum(AllRural==T),sum(AllRural==F)),main="Frequency of stations in Rural Cells",names.arg=c("Rural Cells","Mixed Cells"),col="blue") dev.off()
MixedCells <-Inv[which(Inv$DSMP < 11),] MixedCells <- MixedCells[which(MixedCells$MaxLights > 10),] fname <-fullPath(dir,"MixedCells.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) hist(MixedCells$MaxLights,breaks=25,main="Frequency of Maxlights in Cell of Dark Stations", xlab="Radiance number",col="blue",xlim=c(0,max(MixedCells$MaxLights,na.rm=T)),ylim=c(0,1000),labels=TRUE) dev.off()
And the google Map.. The bright lights are madrid.
And the code for that is below
StationNumber <- which(MixedCells$MaxLights==max(MixedCells$MaxLights,na.rm=T)) e <-extent(c(MixedCells$LonMin[StationNumber], MixedCells$LonMax[StationNumber], MixedCells$LatMin[StationNumber],MixedCells$LatMax[StationNumber])) r <-crop(hiResLights,e) lightsPlot(r,MixedCells[StationNumber,],dir) M3 <- lightsGooglemap(extent(r),MixedCells[StationNumber,],dir) print(MixedCells$Id[StationNumber]) fname <-fullPath(dir,"test.tif") writeRaster(r,filename=fname,format="GTiff",datatype="INT1U",overwrite=T) fname <-fullPath(dir,"test.grd") writeRaster(r,filename=fname,format="raster",datatype="INT1U",overwrite=T)
Next we will select the Nasa stations that qualify under GISS criteria for Rural. And here we will look at the distance for the closest Periurban pixel. That is, the station has a value of 01-10. And we ask the question How many rural stations have a peri urban pixel within 3km, within 5km, within 10km, 20km, 30km, 40km. Essentially if the station location is in error, even by a little, will changing the location put the station in a peri urban place. In short, I searched around every station and looked for bright pixels.
NasaRural <- Inv[which(Inv$NasaLights=="Rural"),] fname <-fullPath(dir,"PeriUrbanDist.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) hist(NasaRural$PeriUrban,main="Distance to Closest PeriUrban",col="blue",labels=TRUE,breaks=15,xlab="Distance(km)",xlim=c(0,50)) dev.off()
fname <-fullPath(dir,"UrbanDist.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) hist(NasaRural$Urban,main="Distance to Closest Urban",col="blue",labels=TRUE,breaks=15,xlab="Distance(km)",xlim=c(0,50)) dev.off()
PitchDark <- ifelse(Inv$DSMP==0,T,F) fname <-fullPath(dir,"Pitchdark.jpg") png(fname) barplot(height=c(sum(PitchDark==T),sum(PitchDark==F)), main="Frequency of Pitch dark stations in Giss Inv", names.arg=c("Pitch dark Stations","Some Light "),col="blue")dev.off()
DarkCells <- ifelse(Inv$MaxLights==0,T,F) fname <-fullPath(dir,"Darkcells.jpg") png(fname) barplot(height=c(sum(DarkCells==T),sum(DarkCells==F)), main="Frequency of Pitch dark cells in Giss Inv",names.arg=c("Pitch dark Cells","Some Light "),col="blue") dev.off()
DimCells <- ifelse(Inv$MaxLights<11,T,F) fname <-fullPath(dir,"Dimcells.jpg") png(fname) barplot(height=c(sum(DimCells==T),sum(DimCells==F)), main="Frequency of Dim cells in Giss Inv",names.arg=c("Dim Cells","Some Light "),col="blue") dev.off()
fname <-fullPath(dir,"PeriPitchdark.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) hist(Inv$PeriUrban[PitchDark],col="blue",labels=TRUE,breaks=20,xlab="Distance(km)",main="Occurance of peri urban by pitch dark stations",xlim=c(0,50)) dev.off()
Next we look at the occurance of urban pixels within these boundaries
fname <-fullPath(dir,"UrbanPitchdark.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) hist(Inv$Urban[PitchDark],col="blue",labels=TRUE,breaks=20,xlab="Distance(km)",main="Occurance of Urban by pitch dark stations",xlim=c(0,50)) dev.off()
So, if you look at all pitch dark stations, 6 of them have an urban pixel within 3km, 19 have an urban pixel within 5km. 68 have an urban pixel within 10km, 113 within 20km. and so forth. Finally, we look at 3 different kinds of sites. we count “pitch black cells, pitch black stations with rural lights for 55km, and finally rural cells. We’ve done these before but here we just put them on one chart
siteType <- vector(length=3) pdInv <- Inv[PitchDark,] siteType[1] <-nrow(pdInv[which(pdInv$MaxLights == 0),]) siteType[2] <-nrow(pdInv[which(pdInv$MaxLights < 11),]) siteType[3] <-nrow(Inv[which(Inv$MaxLights < 11 ),]) fname <-fullPath(dir,"RuralcellType.jpg") png(fname,width=1024,height=480) barplot(height=siteType,main="1deg cell types",col="blue",names.arg=c("Black Cells","Dark Station/rural cell","Rural Cells")) dev.off()
PopDensity <- vector(length=nrow(Inv)) for(i in 1:nrow(Inv)){ if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="Rural")PopDensity[i]<-0.14 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="peri1")PopDensity[i]<-0.82 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="peri2")PopDensity[i]<-2.89 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="Urban1")PopDensity[i]<-6.32 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="Urban2")PopDensity[i]<-10.59 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="Urban3")PopDensity[i]<-18.66 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="Urban4")PopDensity[i]<-30.31 if(Inv$UrbanCode[i]=="Saturated")PopDensity[i]<-NA } PopDensity <- PopDensity*100 Inv<-cbind(Inv,PopDensity) fname <-fullPath(dir,"GissInvEnhanced.inv") write.table(Inv,file=fname,row.names=F)
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