I am very happy to discover so many of you readers are interested in the content that bloggers are posting about R. Over the past few months, 50 bloggers have come together in this place to share with all of us what they write about R. If you wish, you can see all of the articles they wrote in the “article list” page.
If you wish to join R bloggers yourself, please just fill in this form, and I will add you.
If you don’t yet have a blog, and wish to start. I encourage you to start a new one on wordpress.com . It’s free, and very easy to work with. Once you will open a blog there, make sure to first publish something like 3 posts, and then fill inthe form.
I would like to finish this happy post with a remark/request for all the R bloggers our there:
This entire “R blogger” project is suffering from a “bloggers prisoner’s dilemma” syndrome. Each blogger who joined here is tempted to hope that all other bloggers would link to this website, while he doesn’t. This way, that blogger would gain new readers (and “SEO” points), without “sharing” his own readers. But, if all the bloggers would have thought this, then this entire project would have not gained so many readers, now would it…
Passing the 1000 readers mark proves that thanks to the bloggers who did linked to this site and shared their readers – all of us R bloggers have gained a bigger (impressive) pool of readers.
My point is – if you haven’t yet linked to R-bloggers.com, please consider to do so – if we all chip in our readers – we will ALL gain from it.
Tal Galili
A year ago (on December 9th 2009), I wrote about founding R-bloggers.com, an (unofficial) online R journal written by bloggers who agreed to contribute their R articles to the site. In this post I wish to celebrate R-bloggers’ first birthday by sharing with you: Links to the top 14 posts of 2010 Reflections about…
A happy announcement Hello everyone. After playing around with the idea of extending R-bloggers to languages other then English, today I went a head and did it. The new sub-site can be found at: http://www.r-bloggers.com/lang/ So far it offers the content of only 3 4 bloggers, writing posts about R in Indonesian, Italian,…