Typos in Chapter 2
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When grading homeworks for my Monte Carlo graduate class, I found that my students had pointed out two typos in the exercises of Chapter 2 of “Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R”.
– In Exercise 2.17, question d. should be “d. Show that the maximum of is attained at
– In Exercise 2.21, in item (ii), should be replaced by
and question b. should be removed.
I am currently working on the solution manual. It should have been ready when the book came out (if only because it is an efficient way to chase typos down), but I lazily waited for those homeworks to be handed back to reduce my workload… So keep posted for further typos in Chapters 3, 6 and 7, since my students only covered those chapters.
Posted in Books, R, Statistics, University life Tagged: Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R, solution manual, typos

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