MultBar : Advanced multiple barplot with SEM
[This article was first published on [R] tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Producing this kind of graphs (below) in R can be a pain in the a*s.
Here is a simple code that requires that data are presented in lists (see the example below).
multbar <- function(list.of.lists,...,condnames=0,pal=colorRampPalette(c('grey','cornsilk')),seriesnames=0,legendpos='topleft',legh=TRUE,do.pty='s') { par(pty=do.pty,mgp=c(1.9,0.8,0),oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(4,3,2,1),bg='transparent',bty='o',tck=0.02,yaxs='i') NofList <- length(list.of.lists) NofSubList <- length(list.of.lists[[1]]) if(condnames==0){condnames=c(1:NofList)} if(seriesnames==0){seriesnames=c(1:NofSubList)} dim.mat.treat <- (NofList+1)*NofSubList pos <- c(1:dim.mat.treat) pos <- matrix(pos,nrow=(NofList+1)) nbreaks <- dim.mat.treat+1 par(xaxs='i',yaxs='i',bty='o') plot(0,0,pch=NA,xlim=c(0,nbreaks),ylim=c(min(pretty(range(list.of.lists))),max(pretty(range(list.of.lists)))),xaxt='n',yaxt='n',...) calc.ylab <- pretty(range(list.of.lists)) lab.ylab <- round(calc.ylab,2) abline(h=pretty(range(list.of.lists)),lty=3,col='grey',lwd=2) abline(h=0,col='darkgrey',lwd=1.4) palette <- pal(NofList) for(condition in 1:NofList) { for(treatment in 1:NofSubList) { CD <- list.of.lists[[condition]][[treatment]] CDm <- mean(CD) CDv <- sd(CD) x.coord <- pos[condition,treatment] rect(x.coord,0,x.coord+1,CDm,col=palette[condition]) arrows(x.coord+0.5,CDm+CDv,x.coord+0.5,CDm-CDv,angle=90,code=3,length=0.05) } } axis(side=2,at=calc.ylab,labels=lab.ylab,tick=TRUE) #abline(h=calc.ylab[1]) abline(h=pretty(range(list.of.lists))[1]) fills <- c(1:NofList) legend(legendpos,legend=condnames,fill=palette[fills],bty='n',horiz=legh,cex=1) <- (c(1:NofSubList)-1)*NofSubList + NofList/2 +1 lab.cond <- NULL int.lab.cond <- pos[c(1:(nrow(pos)-1)),] for(COL in 1:ncol(int.lab.cond)) { lab.cond[COL] <- mean(int.lab.cond[,COL])+0.5 } axis(side=1,at=lab.cond,labels=seriesnames,tick=FALSE) par(xaxs='r') if(min(pretty(range(list.of.lists)))<0){abline(h=0,lwd=1.1)} box() } list.1 <- list(rnorm(10,mean=3.4),rnorm(10,mean=6.8)) list.2 <- list(rnorm(10,mean=4),rnorm(10,mean=8.8)) list.3 <- list(rnorm(10,mean=3.1),rnorm(10,mean=7.4)) data <- list(list.1,list.2,list.3) png() par(family='serif') multbar(data,main='Faked data',seriesnames=c('Control','Stress'),condnames=c('Ind. 1','Ind. 2','Ind. 3'),xlab='Treatment',ylab='Response')

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