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useR! 2007 – Ames here I come!

[This article was first published on Mario's Entangled Bank » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Yesterday I decided that I will go the the useR! 2007 meeting after all. Initially I was a bit apprehensive, I was not sure if I had the time to spare and I like to present something when I go to meetings. I find that if I am going to time traveling (and I really do not enjoy air travel these days) I want to kill several birds with the same stone.

It should be an interesting meeting. It’s the first North American useR! meeting so hopefully it’ll attract some big names in the R community and perhaps beyond. A lot of biologists use R so I am hoping that interesting people in the ecological and evolutionary community may participate as well. The meeting is August 8-10 at Iowa State University in Ames and I will be presenting a poster on a project that I have been working on for the last six months or so. I am not ready to reveal what it is yet (other than that it has something to do with R of course), but I will be talking more about it in upcoming posts. Keep your eyes peeled.

All that is left now is to figure out what kind of cool stuff one can do in Ames after hours. Some good birding spots for the 4am shift would be a sweet.

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