Basic factor analysis in R
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The call to perform factor analysis on a set of variables in R is:
fact1<- factanal(x,factors,scores=c(“regression”),rotation=”varimax”)
where “x” is a dataframe containing the appropriate variables, and “factors” is the number of factors to be extracted.
socres=”…” and rotation=”…” are optional, and varimax is the default rotation.
The factanal function doesn’t seem to handle missing observations well, so it’s easier to create a new dataframe based on your original, with the missing values omitted:
To view the summary of the factor analysis, simply type the name of the object under which the analysis was saved.
To view the scores, use
To view a scree plot, install the “psy” package load it
Then type
The above commands and options are only the very basics. For more information, view the documentation for the factanal function. For more information about factor analysis in general, here is a nice nontechnical introduction. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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