Visualizing Tables with plot.table
[This article was first published on Systematic Investor » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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plot.table function in the Systematic Investor Toolbox is a flexible table drawing routine. plot.table has a simple interface and takes following parameters:
- plot.matrix – matrix with data you want to plot
- smain – text to draw in (top, left) cell; default value is blank string
- highlight – Either TRUE/FALSE to indicate if you want to color each cell based on its numeric value Or a matrix with colors for each cell
- colorbar – TRUE/FALSE flag to indicate if you want to draw colorbar
Here is a few examples how you can use plot.table function to create summary reports.
First, let’s load Systematic Investor Toolbox:
# load Systematic Investor Toolbox setInternet2(TRUE) source(gzcon(url('', 'rb')))
To create basic plot.table:
# define row and column titles mrownames = spl('row one,row two,row 3') mcolnames = spl('col 1,col 2,col 3,col 4') # create temp matrix with data you want to plot temp = matrix(NA, len(mrownames), len(mcolnames)) rownames(temp) = mrownames colnames(temp) = mcolnames temp[,] = matrix(1:12,3,4) # plot temp, display current date in (top, left) cell plot.table(temp, format(as.Date(Sys.time()), '%d %b %Y'))
To create plot.table with colorbar:
# generate 1,000 random numbers from Normal(0,1) distribution data = matrix(rnorm(1000), nc=10) colnames(data) = paste('data', 1:10, sep='') # compute Pearson correlation of data and format it nicely temp = compute.cor(data, 'pearson') temp[] = plota.format(100 * temp, 0, '', '%') # plot temp with colorbar, display Correlation in (top, left) cell plot.table(temp, smain='Correlation', highlight = TRUE, colorbar = TRUE)
Next, I want to show a more practical example of plot.table function. I want to create a report page that will display a chart of IBM for 2010:2011 and a table with Valuation Measures from Key Statistics Yahoo Finance webpage.
# Load quantmod package to download price history for IBM load.packages('quantmod') Symbol = 'IBM' # download IBM price history from Yahoo data = getSymbols(Symbol, from = '1980-01-01', auto.assign = FALSE) # download Key Statistics from yahoo url = paste('', Symbol, sep = '') txt = join(readLines(url)) # extract Valuation Measures table from this page temp = extract.table.from.webpage(txt, 'Market Cap', hasHeader = F) temp = rbind(c('', Symbol), temp) # add header row # prepare IBM data for 2010:2011 and compute 50 days moving average y = data['2010::2011'] sma50 = SMA(Cl(y), 50) # plote candles and volume and table layout(c(1,1,2,3,3)) plota(y, type = 'candle', main = Symbol, plotX = F) plota.lines(sma50, col='blue') plota.legend(c(Symbol,'SMA 50'), 'green,blue', list(y,sma50)) y = plota.scale.volume(y) plota(y, type = 'volume') plot.table(temp)
I will show more examples of plot.table in the future posts.

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